Monday, October 19, 2020
Tuesday, October 20, 2020
My Last Missionary Zone Conference (Week #97)
Wednesday, October 14, 2020
Turning Twenty-one! (Week #96)
Monday, October 12, 2020
I have been 21 for almost two weeks now, and I still can't believe that I have been alive for that long. I was able to receive the birthday gifts that you sent. Thanks for the birthday gifts and cards and for wishing me a happy birthday. As for new developments in my area, the work is progressing, and I think the trend is still going up, just as slow as ever. I think that I'm starting to get a better grasp of what things will be effective to do here. I have been finding some more success interacting with people over facebook and particularly in my area which is great. I've been able to have a few decent Gospel conversations with these folks.
Sunday, October 11, 2020
I'm Staying in Miami, OK (Week #95)
Monday, October 5, 2020
Teaching and Serving (Week #94)
Monday, September 28, 2020
Beat by a Mower! (week #93)
Monday, September 21, 2020
This week has passed safely. I'm looking forward to this coming week. We're teaching more lessons now. We've decided to ask members if we could teach practice lessons with them so that we can stay in the right mindset. The work is maintaining its slowness. But we think that it will help members become more involved in missionary work somehow, and it helps us stay focused and improve our teaching skills too.
Zone Meetings Pics (Week #92)
Monday, September 14, 2020
The Wheat and the Tares (Week#91)
Monday, September 7, 2020
Social Media (Week #90)
Monday, August 31, 2020
I liked talking yesterday. I really like being able to call at least once a week. I never would have thought that it would be possible on my mission. My mission seems different when I started versus now. I'm glad that the mission has changed over time. I've become more familiar with Facebook. I'm not sure I'll ever want to use Facebook again when I return though. I have also heard that Facebook is no longer a common social media platform that people use right now. Some say that Instagram or snapchat is more popular, but I wouldn't know because we're only allowed to use Facebook. It sounds like the younger people use Instagram more than Facebook. I think the weather is starting to get a little cooler in Miami. Not by a lot, but I think fall will be here very soon.
Staying in Miami, OK for six more weeks (Week #89)
Monday, August 24, 2020
Great Missionary Help! (Week #88)
Monday, August 17, 2020
Thankful to My Family (Week #84)
Monday, July 27, 2020
I'm glad to still be out. Thanks for sharing ideas that I can do to better fulfill my missionary purpose. My companion and I have talked about a few ideas that we can do to make short videos that we can post to our facebook page. I hope that all of you are doing okay. I love you all and I just want all of you to know that I'm doing okay. Thanks for sending me letters weekly. You do better at that than I do. I am grateful that I have such a supportive family.
Serving in Miami and Neosho, OK (Week #82)
Monday, July 13, 2020
My New Companion (Week #80)
Monday, June 29, 2020
My new companion was born in Bolivia and raised in Utah. We were cleaning in our regular outfits just for this one time though. We were helping this sister trim a rose bush at the ward activity.
Pictures Of Oklahoma and Quarantining (Week# 78)
Monday, June 15, 2020
Oklahoma (Week #77)
Monday, June 8, 2020
I am settling into Oklahoma pretty well. For service last week, my companions and I did lots of indexing. It's basically the same as doing lots of paperwork. We are trying to find other service opportunities in the area that we can try. A fun one that missionaries have done in the past was doing service at a unique place called the Coleman Theater. It's a playhouse that's been around since the early nineteen hundreds. The missionaries would volunteer to clean the outside of the building and do other basic maintenance. The theater is closed right now because of the virus.
Sunday, June 7, 2020
Fantastic Investigator! (Week # 76)
Individual Family Mission Plans (Week # 75)
Keep Me in Your Prayers (Week # 71)
While in the Pandemic... (Week # 69)
Serving Others (Week # 68)
I am doing good. The virus has made things a little stressful for missionary work some days, but we've always been able to find something meaningful to do everyday so far. As long as we keep doing our best, I think that more opportunities will arise even with the virus limiting us from going outside as much. Luckily, Arkansas is one of the few states that hasn't put a stay at home order, so we're still able to do service outside for others such as lawn work and washing cars. We can still teach using digital means such as facebook messenger. We are trying to do a mission Prep class, Come Follow Me lessons, and we are calling members in the ward every night to stay in touch with them and to offer our services. As long as we don't lose sight of our purpose, and maintain our hope in Christ, I think that we'll do okay. I am grateful for the opportunities that have come, I am grateful to the Lord that I can still serve Him as a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints which is His church. Love you all!
Sunday, April 12, 2020
Thanks! (Week # 67)
I am looking forward to another week on the mission: another three weeks. I felt especially tired today, but it's a good tiredness. Thanks for all the feedback that ya'll have given me about various things and thanks for all the love and support. I'm getting close to the final stretch that will be full of different adversities and new challenges. All in all though, hopefully this COVID passes and we can resume normalcy in one way or another again. I love you all, and keep hopes up. There is always hope in Jesus Christ. Sometimes it seems difficult to find Him, but in seeking to bless the lives of others, and in following the commandments, His hand becomes more evident.
Reaching Out to Members (Week # 66)
We think that this is a great opportunity to reach out to the ward and to assist in helping them find answers to questions that they have about the content in Come Follow Me, the Book of Mormon, questions from investigators, or really anything gospel related. We would love hear from you!
Sunday, March 29, 2020
Corona Virus Changes (Week # 65)
Working with the COVID-19( Week #64)
The Work of Salvation (Week # 63)
This week, my companion got sick, haha. I might have gotten him sick, but everything is going decently. We went to our zone conference in Bella Vista on Friday. I got to see some old missionary friends since three zones were there. A seventy, Elder Ochoa, spoke to us. He was almost totally the opposite of the last seventy that came. The last seventy that came was almost fire and brimstone. This one that came was like a teddy bear. Though their styles were different, both of them basically said the same message. They both ultimately were asking us for greater commitment to Christ and His Gospel.
The Book of Mormon (Week # 62)
Conference Week (Week # 60)
District Leader (Week # 58)
Feeling Very Productive (week #57)
Favorite Scriptures (Week #54)
New Year 2020 (Week # 53)
More Christmas Activities (week #51)
With Christmas coming up very quickly, the church has made a big push for the Light the World campaign. Recently, I participated in a large parade in Fort Smith this last Saturday. My companion and I carried a Light the World banner and waved to people on each side of the street. It was actually pretty fun. Other missionaries passed out candy canes attached to pass along cards to people. They passed out two thousand of them and they ran completely out before the parade ended. Of course sure, it's candy canes, but someone might take it a step further with the light the world cards they received. That's the hope.
Christmas Activities (Week #50) (week # 49)
I have almost finished reading Jesus the Christ. I have read almost all of the chapters. I'm finding that it's a better book than I originally thought. My companion and I are going to help out at a fundraiser tonight. It's at a waterpark that is not operational for the winter, but the city uses the grounds to put up a Christmas light presentation. Churches than can use the space to receive donations. I don't know yet what the donations will go towards, but it's a service opportunity for us and we get to spread light the world cards to people through it. There is a new Christmas video on called The Christ Child. I thought it was pretty good. We're thinking about using it for the family home evening lessons like it's intended for. I have never done the service calendar before, but I am thinking about trying it out do that we can invite others to do the same. So for December, we will be focusing more on Light the World content and stuff like that. There's going to apparently be a big sacrament meeting for Christmas on the twenty second. Right now, we're trying to get the Van Buren Ward and the Alma Ward- there's two wards that meet at our building- to combine for one meeting. The goal is to get 1000 nonmembers at this meeting mission wide I think.