Sunday, October 11, 2020

Social Media (Week #90)

 Monday, August 31, 2020

I liked talking yesterday. I really like being able to call at least once a week. I never would have thought that it would be possible on my mission. My mission seems different when I started versus now. I'm glad that the mission has changed over time. I've become more familiar with Facebook. I'm not sure I'll ever want to use Facebook again when I return though. I have also heard that Facebook is no longer a common social media platform that people use right now. Some say that Instagram or snapchat is more popular, but I wouldn't know because we're only allowed to use Facebook. It sounds like the younger people use Instagram more than Facebook. I think the weather is starting to get a little cooler in Miami. Not by a lot, but I think fall will be here very soon. 

Our mission is starting a new proselyting initiative called "Be One." I'm not really understanding the vision behind it entirely. The goal is to help individuals, families, and communities become more united with Christ. I think missionaries have been trying to do that since day 1, but I think that if I figure it out a bit more, its purpose will be more clear. This month's goal for the initiative is to help people prepare for General Conference.

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