Sunday, March 29, 2020

Working with the COVID-19( Week #64)

March 16, 2020

 Honestly, things might actually turn out to be a pretty good transfer. Based off what our mission president has described to us, I think that he will keep us pretty busy. As long as we follow what he's said, we should be fine. My hope is that my companion and I already got the virus. Our ward mission leader travels all the time, and one time we shook his hand when he returned from a recent trip. He said that he got sick, but he decided he was well enough for stake conference. While he doesn't travel internationally much, he does travel all over the country, so if he was in the northeast or in the west at any given point at that time, than maybe he already passed it on to us, haha. Because both of us got real sick although, symptoms may not show until two weeks later. Either way, whatever my companion and I were sick with, I hope that boosts our immune systems enough so that if we do come in contact with someone that may have it, we will not be strongly affected. Considering that the prophet is a doctor and that he has suspended most meetings, then I guess it's worth taking this more seriously. 

I just don't understand why toilet paper is being depleted so rapidly. Anyhow, I'm doing fine. I'm not sick yet. In Arkansas, I think there is only six confirmed cases of the COVID. That's confirmed cases. There are probably more people that have it, but I think that generally speaking in our mission there are not too many people that have it. I think that our mission president said that there are two confirmed cases, both in Springfield Missouri, the most populous town in the mission, within our mission boundaries. 

Some exciting news is that my companion and I were able to teach our bishops's friend again. We had a good lesson with him. He wants to join the church, but his parents are not sure why he wants to yet. Hopefully, he explains to them why soon.

My district has changed up, and has become better. Now, I don't have to be a district leader anymore, and a new set of elders has arrived in the district, which will make things easier. It's tough just having sisters in the district. What makes this cool is that they are opening up a new Spanish area in the mission. 

I am actually pretty excited. My companion is staying, the Marshalese- American one. We actually have been working pretty well together, so I anticipate that we will do good this transfer. 

Love you all,
Elder Flynn

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