Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Turning Twenty-one! (Week #96)

Monday, October 12, 2020

 I have been 21 for almost two weeks now,  and I still can't believe that I have been alive for that long. I was able to receive the birthday gifts that you sent. Thanks for the birthday gifts and cards and for wishing me a happy birthday. As for new developments in my area, the work is progressing, and I think the trend is still going up, just as slow as ever.  I think that I'm starting to get a better grasp of what things will be effective to do here. I have been finding some more success interacting with people over facebook and particularly in my area which is great. I've been able to have a few decent Gospel conversations with these folks.

This week was also interesting  because I got to be quarantined again. I had gotten in contact with a member in the ward that just now got covid. Luckily I'm officially out of it tomorrow. The mission let us visit with other missionaries today regardless. Other than that, I think that's most of what has happened to me this week. 

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