Sunday, October 11, 2020

Serving in Miami and Neosho, OK (Week #82)

 Monday, July 13, 2020

Miami and Neosho are both unique places with many good people. We have an apartment in Miami and an apartment in Neosho. Occasionally, we've stayed overnight in Neosho. Usually we're in Neosho for service projects, or for a member dinner. 

The 4th of July was fun to watch last week. It was a full moon, and we could see the fireworks exploding in the sky around it. I am getting a new companion this week. I know nothing about him. All I know is that I will be training again. I am praying that all goes well with this. My companion is going to go to Neosho with a spanish speaking companion. We will stay be in touch because we are in the same district.

Just now, I locked us out of our apartment. We had to climb through the kitchen window which fortunately was open. That was a relief, because all of our keys except for the car keys which I had were inside our Apt. That was really a tender mercy.

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