Monday, June 8, 2020
I am settling into Oklahoma pretty well. For service last week, my companions and I did lots of indexing. It's basically the same as doing lots of paperwork. We are trying to find other service opportunities in the area that we can try. A fun one that missionaries have done in the past was doing service at a unique place called the Coleman Theater. It's a playhouse that's been around since the early nineteen hundreds. The missionaries would volunteer to clean the outside of the building and do other basic maintenance. The theater is closed right now because of the virus.
Yesterday, I viewed a post that our mission President put on our mission Facebook page. The post was a video about the community service missionaries have been doing in the different regions within the mission. The people in it were mostly leaders of service organizations. They were talking about how beneficial missionaries have been in helping their organizations. I was pretty excited to see an organization head that I had known in Springfield. Everything he said about missionaries was positive. That made me pretty happy.
Check out 3 Nephi 15:9.
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