Sunday, October 11, 2020

Teaching and Serving (Week #94)

Monday, September 28, 2020

This past week has been a decent week for missionary work. If things work out, we might have a few new people to teach this week. We have a few unique service opportunities come up this past week such as digging a trench to find a sewer line leak and cleaning up a broken down fence. We'll also have more service lined up for this coming week. I'm hoping that everything will work out and I pray for strength everyday to keep going and to keep my head up. 

I've sometimes thought about why the calling of a missionary is even a calling because it is members that are encouraged to find people who are ready to hear the gospel.  It's also the members that do the most reaching out and ministering. What has helped me to see why the calling of missionary is a separate calling is when my mission president said that it's like the role of a Nazarite in a sense. The nazarites where supposed to follow the same commandments that all the other Israelites were supposed to follow, but they had to live up to certain standards that were different such as not cutting their hair and never drinking alcohol. Missionaries kind of do live according to a different standard similar to the Nazarites just not in the same way. That helped me see how missionaries are different. 

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