Sunday, March 29, 2020

Thanksgiving (Week # 48)

November 25, 2019

This past week has been good. We got to meet some new people. I am not sick or anything. I am sorry that I forgot to write last week. I had just gotten preoccupied. My hope is that this week will be good too. Christmas is coming up, and so everything us going to be more busy. Yes I am excited about the new standards that have come out and the new youth program. Yes, I do think that they tie together. Tomorrow, will be having an interview with my mission president, and this Thursday for Thanksgiving, we will be having dinner with a family that my companion doesn't really like, but whatever. A couple of other families offered to have us over, but we're taken care of. It's amazing to think that I'm twenty years old and almost a year out. I hope everyone is dfping fine. Thanks for all of your letters. I love you all.

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