Sunday, June 7, 2020

Individual Family Mission Plans (Week # 75)

May 25, 2020

Is there a hurricane in the gulf? I have been hearing that there is a hurricane called Arthur.  Is it affecting you? I have been pretty busy. The pandemic doesn't really slow anything down in Arkansas. Sacrament meetings are projected to resume in the next two weeks in Arkansas according to our mission president. I'm actually pretty excited about this because my companion and I are getting a good rythym going finally. Yesterday, I was wiped out. We're trying to encourage ward members to develop their own individual family mission plans but we're not sure how to do that effectively. Our ward mission leader thinks that it is a good idea, but as we've been trying to figure how to help the members to this end, we're discovering that this idea rests very largely on the desire and initiative of the families and in addition each family is very different. The thing is that we have a good ward mission plan, but it doesn't really have any action items on it that families can do to do missionary work, so that is why we're trying to encourage the family mission plans. We have another really cool person that we are teaching now. He is actually very promising. We shall see! Love you all!

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