Sunday, March 29, 2020

The Work of Salvation (Week # 63)

March 9, 2020

This week, my companion got sick, haha. I might have gotten him sick, but everything is going decently. We went to our zone conference in Bella Vista on Friday. I got to see some old missionary friends since three zones were there. A seventy, Elder Ochoa, spoke to us. He was almost totally the opposite of the last seventy that came. The last seventy that came was almost fire and brimstone. This one that came was like a teddy bear. Though their styles were different, both of them basically said the same message. They both ultimately were asking us for greater commitment to Christ and His Gospel. 

I took some time this morning to watch the family history leadership training. I watched mostly the section with Elder Bednar. You know, lots of people say that it's all been done and stuff, but then at the last stake Conference that I went to, the Oklahoma City Temple President got up and said that if you think that all your family history work has been done, you have been deceived. Anyhow, I've kind of had that mindset, and what he said has inspired me to take more initiative for this work when I return. I mean, what Elder Bednar said is right: family history/temple work is the same work as missionary work. You know if you can't bring living souls into the fold, get the dead ones. Go where the fish are! Haha. I actually really mean that though. Really, because there are a lot of people that are waiting... I mean- let me put it in perspective: as far as I can tell, mom and dad, grandma and grandpa, abuelita and abuelito mark the only generations that have experienced membership in the church. Everyone else before basically haven't. There are probably a few folks in there that have been hoping that one of their descendants would be wise enough to join the church and participate in the saving ordinances. Now I know that there are other desendents out there doing the same thing, but I think it wouldn't do any harm to work at it as if we were the only decendents they got. Anyhow, I was actually very impressed with what Elder Bednar said in the family leadership training. It was a call to repentance. He roasted the check the box Wednesday night activities. We should all be engaged in the work of salvation because there isn't a more important work. Anyhow, dad was right- he was pretty clear. Hopefully we can all engage in this more in some way.

I love you all!

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