Sunday, March 29, 2020

The Book of Mormon (Week # 62)

March 2, 2020

I am grateful that I am able to have the opportunity to serve the Lord as a missionary. It's been quite a ride. I have learned a lot about sharing the Gospel with others and I'm learning more about that task everday. The members of the church here are great, and I have developed many awsome relationships with members, nonmembers, less actives, and other missionaries over the course of my mission. In many cases, I've been able to teach them, but they've taught me more. 

The Book of Mormon is an awsome tool for teaching the gospel. It testifies of Christ, and if those that are searching for truth in their lives- are really searching for truth- and "abide by its precepts", they can and will understand better who Christ is and His character and why that is important in following Him on the path that He marked for us to follow. Christ lives. The Gospel is true.

This weekend for me was Stake Conference. No special appearances. I was wondering if Elder Bednar would drop in his old stake for a bit, haha. Just kidding. It was a good conference, but also long. I also started to get sick at the general session. I'm recovering from that right now, but luckily it's pday, and I have some time to rest. I also got interviewed by President and Sister Strong yesterday. 

The work is moving along. We are looking forward for this one opportunity to teach this guy that moved into Alma from Ckarsville. He's the son in law to a member in the ward. He was taking the lessons with the sister missionaries, but now that he's moved, we are going to finish teaching him the lessons. For him, it'll probably still be a long while before he's baptized. If he stays here in Alma, he'll probably go through two or three sets before he's ready, but we're just happy to have someone to teach. Our bishop's friend got hung up on something, and so we're trying to figure out what to do to keep teaching him. 

Anyway, besides feeling sick, I'm doing good. I am learning a lot about being responsible and doing what you say you are going to do.

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