Sunday, March 29, 2020

More Christmas Activities (week #51)

December 16, 2019

With Christmas coming up very quickly, the church has made a big push for the Light the World campaign. Recently, I participated in a large parade in Fort Smith this last Saturday. My companion and I carried a Light the World banner and waved to people on each side of the street. It was actually pretty fun. Other missionaries passed out candy canes attached to pass along cards to people. They passed out two thousand of them and they ran completely out before the parade ended. Of course sure, it's candy canes, but someone might take it a step further with the light the world cards they received. That's the hope.

One missionary passing out candy canes saw some construction workers standing on top of a parking garage watching the proceedings. This missionary tossed up candy canes to them. He kept missing at first, which attracted the crowd's attention, and when the construction worker finally caught the candy canes, the crowd cheered. I thought that was a good demonstration that Jesus us concerned about everyone, even ones that we may not notice. I don't know. For me, it reminded me of Zacheus and Jesus. 

Anyhow, my companion and I are planning to work very hard this week. It's the week before Christmas, and we want to invite as many people to church as possible. Have any of you invited nonmember friends to church recently? 

We are planning to go see the movie in Fort Smith next Monday. We will probably see it with some other missionaries. We will also be spending Christmas day with two families in the ward that will be feeding us Christmas meals. 

Overall, I'm doing great. 

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