Sunday, October 11, 2020

I'm Staying in Miami, OK (Week #95)

 Monday, October 5, 2020

So now I actually have a few things to talk about. I am staying in Miami so I think that I will for sure finish my mission here. My trainee is being transferred. I am getting a new companion that I already have met wich is a first for me. I will start looking for a bike box promptly. I have not received my voting ballot yet, but I'm looking forward to getting it. Miami has started to look noticably polarized with Trump and Biden posters, fliers, and signs everywhere. 

It's getting pretty chilly up here. I'm not looking forward to cold weather. Conference was very good. There were a lot of talks on unity, getting along with others, and working through adversity . President Nelson's talk was pretty good. I have felt a small resurgence of energy. I could be doing a lot better as a missionary I think, but I am not doing the worst. At least I hope not. Being a missionary continues to become more challenging for me, but by continuing to make consistent efforts I think that I can finish strong. There are still some people that I need to help in this area. 

Thanks for continuing to pray for me. 

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