Sunday, March 29, 2020

District Leader (Week # 58)

February 3, 2020

Yes, I am happy to stay within my area for a little longer. I think that I will be transferred after this transfer is over though. I've just recently learned that I am district leading a different district that has formed within the Fort Smith Stake. All the other missionaries in the district are sisters though haha. My companion isn't too pumped for that because the three  areas in the district are big and it's inconvenient for them to come to district activities in Alma and stuff, and they're sisters. Yes, he's another extroverted missionary, but we'll make it through. We're going to go hard this transfer and we're going to really build this area up. That's our goal. It's been a tough transition for him because he has just finished being trained and he came from Bentonville which is comparatively more populous with more missionaries to be around. But he's great. The members seem to like him a lot. 

I have been cleaning a lot. I'm just tired of all the extra stuff that we don't need that takes up space. I'm a minimalist. I have been eating pretty healthy. Exercise has been good. I am trying to help our companionship establish good habits. Righteous routines and holy habits is what Elder Oaks talks about right? These things are good I think because it makes it so we don't have to worry about less important stuff that we are still obligated to do. I am doing well. I am trying to help my companion adjust to this area. 

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