Sunday, March 29, 2020

New Year 2020 (Week # 53)

December 30, 2019

Thanks for the letters, advice, and encouragement that you sent me. I am just resting today. I am trying to prepare myself for another week of missionary work. I don't know how I feel about the new year. I am neither excited nor depressed about it. When it comes, it comes. 

As for new people being taught, we met a guy at the library the other day that asked us to talk to him. We are going to try to teach him this Tuesday. We'll see how that goes. 

I have had a good Christmas week overall. I spoke in church yesterday. It is probably the second talk that I have given on my mission. I think my companion and I were asked because it was the fifth Sunday of the month or something. I talked about Christ and faith. My companion talked about Christ and repentance. 

Some less actives that we visited once with a good member friend are now coming to church. Our hope is that they continue to come every Sunday. I am still breathing and alive. I think that I feel ready for the new year. 

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