Sunday, March 29, 2020

Feeling Very Productive (week #57)

January 27, 2020

I am doing good. Today, it's sunny outside, and it feels pretty good. This week, we are having two P-days. One today, and one this Wednesday. Last week, I participated in a meeting with my old MTC district. I got to see an old friend like my MTC companion and some old acquaintances. We spent all day at the Bentonville Stake Center. 

After that, we did so many things that I don't even remember them. By this Sunday, I was pretty tired. At church according to what I've heard, there were 65 people assigned to callings. I think almost as many were released. It was probably the longest ward business section I've witnessed. I also played lots of basketball last week too.

Anyhow, I am alive and healthy. I have been eating lots of frozen vegetables- the kind that you heat up in the microwave..

I love you all. 

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