Sunday, March 29, 2020 (week # 49)

December 2, 2019

I have almost finished reading Jesus the Christ. I have read almost all of the chapters. I'm finding that it's a better book than I originally thought. My companion and I are going to help out at a fundraiser tonight. It's at a waterpark that is not operational for the winter, but the city uses the grounds to put up a Christmas light presentation. Churches than can use the space to receive donations. I don't know yet what the donations will go towards, but it's a service opportunity for us and we get to spread light the world cards to people through it. There is a new Christmas video on called The Christ Child. I thought it was pretty good. We're thinking about using it for the family home evening lessons like it's intended for. I have never done the service calendar before, but I am thinking about trying it out do that we can invite others to do the same. So for December, we will be focusing more on Light the World content and stuff like that. There's going to apparently be a big sacrament meeting for Christmas on the twenty second. Right now, we're trying to get the Van Buren Ward and the Alma Ward- there's two wards that meet at our building- to combine for one meeting. The goal is to get 1000 nonmembers at this meeting mission wide I think.

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