Sunday, June 7, 2020

Fantastic Investigator! (Week # 76)

June 1, 2020

Things are going pretty good. I'm doing well. I only have six months left, and I want to work harder than ever before. I feel more confident now. 

We have two people we're teaching that do not have a baptismal date but they are very close to having one. One of the guys we're teaching, a referral from our mission president, is just fantastic. He actually asks us for things to do so that he can become member of the church. He's very proactive and he's kept almost all of the commitments we've given him including coming to a Sacrament meeting which was one that we planned at our ward mission leader's house. When we've taught him, he brings a notebook and he even takes notes. I have never had experiences with anyone that does that. We've only taught him three lessons though so far so we'll see how long he lasts. 

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