Sunday, October 11, 2020

Beat by a Mower! (week #93)

Monday, September 21, 2020

This week has passed safely. I'm looking forward to this coming week. We're teaching more lessons now. We've decided to ask members if we could teach practice lessons with them so that we can stay in the right mindset. The work is maintaining its slowness. But we think that it will help members become more involved in missionary work somehow, and it helps us stay focused and improve our teaching skills too. 

The trees are starting to turn different colors now, and it's gotten cooler. I am not excited for this winter. They say that Oklahoma winters can be rough sometimes.

 A funny incident happened not too long ago while we were mowing someone's lawn. We were using the person's lawnmower, and we were having trouble getting it started. A kid was telling us how to do it because there was a special trick to it. I thought he meant to grab a metal wire that extended to the starting cable. I didn't understand what he was saying, and so I adjusted it. As I did, I noticed that every time my companion jerked the starting cable back while I adjusted the wire, the engine started going. It was working, and then I adjusted the wire all the way, and I got a huge jolt that coursed up my arm. It threw me back, and the mower started with a bam! I guess it was connected to the spark plug or something because that shocked me really good. My right arm was sore for the entire evening. Ha, ha!

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