Sunday, March 29, 2020

Conference Week (Week # 60)

February 17, 2020

This transfer is going to be interesting. A member from the Seventy, Elder Ochoa is coming to speak to the mission. I think that I have met him before in Jacksonville. I think that he came one time for Stake Conference. Basically, what's going to happen is he's going to do two sessions in which all the missionaries from the South part of the mission will meet in Bella Vista which is very close to Bentonville and the missionaries in the North will meet somewhere around Springfield I would expect. Probably around Ingram Mills I would think. Anyhow, that'll be at the end of February. 

This week will be the Fort Smith Stake Conference. It will be the first stake conference that I will attend on my mission. After that, we will have interviews with our mission president and while that's going on, the zone leaders and sister training leaders will be taking care of district council. In the meantime, we are trying to find people to teach through members, and we have actually gotten some new leads that we are going to try this week. We are trying to mobilize the ward missionaries too. We need to finish teaching the lessons to some recent converts. We'll be pretty busy this week, I will expect. Maybe even busier than usual- not saying that being busy is necessarily the goal here. The goal is to invite people to deepen their relationships with Christ, and to help them prepare to make covenants in the temple and such. 

Temple preparation is going to be one of our focuses I think. We want to help people engage in family history in preparation for entering the temple and doing work there. All of the recent converts here have not entered the temple yet, so that's the next step for them. If they do this, retention will probably increase I would expect.

 It's interesting, the past three dinners, we have been discussing doing member missionary work with the members. The first of those three, the members said basically be an example. The second, actually open your mouth and invite- you can be an example all day, but at some point you have to say something. The third, in the face of failure and challenges that arise, keep plugging along. Be determined to draw closer to Christ. The phrase drawing close to Christ is very nuanced and there is more to it than just saying, "draw close to Christ" but that is the challenge that everyone has to figure out how to do in one way or another. 

Have missionaries been sharing "Come and See" with you?

Anyhow, yes, I am in charge of driving now. My companion is actually doing very well. He told me the other day that he is starting to really like the area here. He mentioned that he thinks that he is liking it more because he is focusing on the people and on the work. I think that is great. I'm trying to do the same. 

Love you all,
Elder Flynn

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