Sunday, March 29, 2020

Museum and Jaredites (week #38)

September 16, 2019

Today, I went to a paleontology museum that's here in my area. It was pretty cool. The workers there are in the process off constructing a Triceratops skeleton. They said that the triceratops is estimated to have weighed around forty thousand pounds. They also said that it takes up to five people to lift the replica of the skull. The original bones are from Wyoming, so the Triceratops is not a specimen taken from Missouri. When it's fully put together, it will be the first complete skeleton of a dinosaur on display in the entire state of Missouri. 

They also had a Mastadon jaw and Mammoth bones taken from a cave under the ground across from the museum where the paleontologists are digging for more bones. So far, it seems that they've found saber tooth cat bones and giant bears and stuff. According to what they said, the cave is over a mile long. Most of the specimens that they had on display come from around Missouri and from other parts of the world. They had few bone shards from dinosaurs like T-rex and Spinosaurus. Anyways, I like doing things like that for P-day. One of the bases for seeing the museum was to see the precolumbian heritage of this continent and get a new look at the remnants of the Jaredite Civilization. It reminded of the verses in the Book of Mormon that talk about how the people of Limhi escape and come across a land full of bones. I wonder if Mammoth bones were among them. I also wonder if those people had built Zarahemla where Missouri is now. I also wonder if the Jeredites used Mammoths as war animals. 

Anyhow, I've been doing okay. I have been studying my scriptures a lot. I think that I know quite a few verses by now. I think I know more than I've ever known while I was in seminary, but I also think that if it weren't for studying the scriptures on my own, doing family scripture study, and doing seminary, I don't think that I would be able to help others learn about the gospel as effectively. When people have personal issues that they are facing, the Book of Mormon is a great place to turn to for helping them. Sometime they don't always see how at first, but as long as they faithfully live the principles of the Book of Mormon in their lives, even if it's just one, then they will change in a way that helps them to feel happier and more empowered to take on life's challenges. 

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