Sunday, August 18, 2019

P Day (Week #23)

May 27, 2019

I've been doing well. I have a new companion, and right now we're just taking a break from the normal rigour of the week. Two of the people that we are teaching came to church this last Sunday so that was pretty awesome. I'm pretty tired today. Luckily, we're taking it easy today. 

Other than that, there isn't very much to write about today. I have been better about writing in my journal for the past two days so there should be some things recorded in case I forgot about them. The weather is always very unpredictable. There's been lots of tornados recently, but we've been kept very safe from them and other storms. One of the people that we teach is a powerline worker. Last week, he accrued 82 work hours. Yesterday, he was pretty dead. 

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