Sunday, August 18, 2019

Giving a Book of Mormon experience (Week #22)

May 20, 2019

I am not being transferred from Ava. I am staying another transfer. My companion , however, is being transferred to Mountain Grove just north of Ava. My new companion will not be a zone leader. This will be the first time in which I have a companion that isn't a zone leader. My mission president says that he is a really good missionary and that he has only been out one more transfer than I have. In the meantime, the companion that I have now is staying the zone leader for the stake and will just work from Mountain Grove which is closer to our stake center anyways. The mission president has been meaning to do that for a long time. 

Also, yesterday, one of the coolest things happened. My companion and I were down in Gainsville, and we were just heading out to go back to Ava when a guy comes out of his house to walk his dog. A lady that had requested a Book of Mormon a long time ago lived in the house that this guy was coming out of. We had tried to visit her before, but no one answered the door. When we walked up to this guy to talk to him, we explained that we intended to give a Book of Mormon to the lady that lived inside the house. They guy then introduced himself and said that he was her husband. We then asked him if he would give the copy of the Book of Mormon that we had for the lady. He not only agreed to do that, but he also said that he would read the book and even pray about it. He then said that we could come back next week to see him. It was the fastest turn of events that I have experienced so far in the mission. We were bracing ourselves for him to tell us off and stuff and we just barely explained what the Book of Mormon is and the guy had never encountered us before, but he decided that he wanted tor read the Book of Mormon. That made my companion and me both happy. 

We've been doing good. We have been finding more and more people to teach. We are going to be very busy this week and probably for the next few weeks of this coming transfer. I know that all of you have been praying for me. Thanks for your prayers. The Lord has been giving my companion and me a lot of work to do and I am thankful for that.

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