Sunday, August 18, 2019

Friend from Ava (Week #31)

July 22,2019

I hope that everyone has had a great week. Something really cool that happened is that one of the recent converts in Ava that I became good friends with has moved from Ava into the area that I am serving in now which is Chesterfield Village. Now, we contact him just like when I was in Ava. I thought that this was a pretty cool thing that happened. Also, I have attended a Ward Council for the second time in my entire mission. Last week, my companion and I found five new people to teach. This week we found one. That's the up and downess of the mission. We bike half the week, and drive the other half. On p-days, we do our shopping at walmart, and then we get together with other missionaries at the stake center to play Settlers of Catan. There are three wards that meet at the stake center: Republic, Southern Hills, and Chesterfield. Republic and Chesterfield are Elders' areas (or testosterzones as the elders like to call them) and Southern Hills has recently become a Sisters' area. It used to be that both Chesterfield and Southern Hills were covered by one set of elders because both areas are so small geographically, but now that's changed. 

I really enjoy all of your letters and thanks for continuing to send them to me. The work is moving along as usual. I love you all, and hope that you all will have a great week.

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