Sunday, August 18, 2019

Games! (Week #30)

July 15,2019

 I will have learned more games than I care to remember.  I wasn't expecting that missionaries would be playing these many games. But you know, a lot of the people around here love entertainment. Sometimes, playing games is the best way to relate to others even though games are not your favorite things to do, but I'm adjusting. So far, I have learned how to play 
Magic: the Gathering
Settlers of Catan
Exploding Kittens
Train Robbery
A Space game that I can't remember the name of
D and D
And then some games that I know already
And other various card games. My trainer loved games. His dad was a judge for Magic tournaments and so he knew everything there was to know about game theory. He taught me how to build a Magic deck and how to play against opponents and stuff and beating them. I have built a Dragon deck that I have been carrying around the mission. How it goes is that you have a life that equals the no. twenty. Then you have    mana     which is pronounced like mana in the Bilble with Moses and the children of Israel and so forth. The mana is basically your cash money. 
Then you have creatures. You pay for the creatures with the mana. 
You also have magic spells that you can cast. You also pay for that with the mana.
All of this is represented with cards. 
The goal of the game is to destroy your opponent by subtracting his twenty lives to zero. When it's zero, he's dead. You accomplish this by paying for creatures and spells and then throwing them at your opponent. Each of the creatures and spells have special abilities so they do their thing depending on how you want to use them. Anyways, it's supposed to simulate how it feels like if you were a wizard. At first, I didn't enjoy playing because you know how I am, but then one of the missionaries in my zone came on exchanges and he said, "I don't think that you have caught the magic of the game yet, and the reason that you haven't caught the feel yet is because you haven't built your own deck yet." It was kind of funny because it was like magic philosophy, and I built my own deck and still didn't like it any better really, but anyhow ha, ha, I have adapted because some of the nonmembers like to play it. Some of the missionaries like getting really powerful cards from nonmembers for free. Some of them are really expensive. Some cards cost fifty dollars depending on the quality of the card and its abilities. 

Anyhow, I will probably just play these games while on my mission and when I come home, I will return to my gamefree lifestyle. You can learn some interesting things from people, ha ha. There is a couple that we are teaching. One of them was Russian, lived in South Korea, and then married a member there and moved to Missouri. The member knows a lot about cryptocurrency and bitcoins. A lot of its explanation is beyond me but it was kind of intriguing. I learned from him that the first purchase done with bitcoins was a pizza for ten thousand bitcoins. Don't worry, I won't be setting up any bitcoin accounts, ha ha. 

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