Monday, April 22, 2019

Sweets! (Week #13)

March 18, 2019

 I am glad to hear that all of you are praying and reading your scriptures daily. I like to remember scriptures too. I try to remember scriptures so that I don't have to make anything up when I talk to people about the gospel. There is power in reading and speaking verses from the scriptures because the scriptures are the Word of God. I actually read this morning in my scripture study this verse which I have read several times but it is still a good verse: 1 Nephi 15:23-25- And they said unto me: What meaneth the rod of iron which our father saw, that led to the tree? And I said unto them that it was the word of God; and whoso would hearken unto the word of God, and would hold fast unto it, they would never perish; neither could the temptations and the fiery darts of the adversary overpower them unto blindness, to lead them away to destruction. Wherefore, I Nephi, did exhort them to give heed unto the word of the Lord; yea, I did exhort them with all the energies of my soul, and with all the faculty which I possessed, that they would give heed to the word of God and remember to keep his commandments always in all things. I just really liked this scripture when I read it this morning. 

Anyhow, we now have our truck back. It is fully repaired and fully functioning. The mission office won't let my companion drive anymore so now I am the designated driver. I just need to finish my paper work to be the designated driver. We are both glad that we have the truck back. We will be able to go farther into our area now to see people. Last week was full of service. I think that last week, my companion and I each got nineteen hours of service which is just under double what we are supposed to get for each week, which is ten hours of service per companion. What we did was cleaning out and repairing this nonmember's house so that she could sell it. There was plenty of work for us to do. This house was all the way in Ash Flat, Arkansas- about two hours away from our area. The elders from Mountain View and the elders from Mountain Grove were helping out as well. Ash Flat does not have a set of elders. Ash Flat has a senior couple serving there. They are very kind. They bought us all  breakfast on Saturday morning before we went back out to work on the house. The place that they took us out to eat at was this interesting country restaurant that served breakfast, lunch, and dinner. They had a wide selection of very delectable pies and giant cinnamon rolls. Man, those rolls looked good, but they were too big for me to eat by myself and while one of the elders wanted to split one with me at first, we decided to just eat strawberry cream pie instead. That day, we ate lots of sweets. The nonmember had kondike bars, drumstick ice creams, brownies, and chocolate cake. That was probably okay. I didn't get a stomach ache or anything like that, and this week is a no treats week because the entire mission is still doing the fitness challenge and this week, you can get five extra points if you don't eat sweets for the entire week.

The landscape is finally greening up because spring is getting closer. It's still a little chilly outside most of the day, but it's getting increasingly warmer. I am pretty excited for the warmer weather. It will get busier around the town square because of the warmer weather. More people are out and about. There are a lot of trucks carrying round hay bales that come through town. People also seem to become more cordial with the warmer whether. The sun has been out much more frequently which always lightens my spirits pretty good. I am looking forward for General Conference. The missionaries in the mission are all circulating theories about what is going to happen this conference. I don't like any of their theories, but either way... we'll see what will be said. I still am praying for the family. How is "Come Follow Me" doing? I have heard some interesting experiences from families that have been doing it here in Ava. Some say that they have had an initial rough time with it. Others seem to have just gone forward with it smoothly. I hope that it's working out okay for you. I have to admit that I haven't really been doing it. For some reason, I have lost my manual and so I am using my phone instead. The mission president encourages us to study it. It's not a huge priority like Preach My Gospel or the Book of Mormon in terms of studying for missionary work, but President Strong wants us to do it more so I am going to try harder to do it. When I have done it, I have found it to be great. I love you Mom! I hope that everything is going okay. 

Elder Flynn

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