Monday, April 22, 2019

I'm still in Ava, Missouri (Week #15)

April 1, 2019

Dear Family,

It was really nice to read your emails. Thanks. The vegetable garden sounds cool. I have met some people around here that love gardening, crocheting, knitting, canning, quilting, sewing, and other things. The area around here now is starting to remind me of the Berenstein Bears tv show. Some of the people remind me of characters from that show. We meet with a lot of the older women in the ward. They all have lived exciting lives that I would never have expected. There is one member who is elderly. He is ninety-three years old, but he is incredibly active for his age. He only eats vegetables because he is convinced that meat is poisonous. He helped us lift a large entertainment center onto his truck the other day. He used to work for NASA on the lunar expedition projects too as an aerospace engineer. He also served in WWII towards the end of the war. He was a technician that helped lubricate and maintain turret anti-aircraft guns. By the time he finished training and made it to the front though, the war was almost over luckily. Interestingly, he has a mild case of Asbergers so he is very intelligent. He is very good at fixing things. Most amazing about him though is that he is always willing to drive us places and feed us. He has a big heart and strong commitment to the Lord. His next three neighbors are also members of the church interestingly enough. These neighbors support one another. The other neighbors nickname him dad, or like to call him that because he is always serving them. 

I have a new companion now. My other companion got transferred out, and I am staying for at least another transfer. Who knows how long I will be staying here. It's a great place though. I have really grown to love it. Hopefully, we can fulfill the Lord's will for this area for this transfer. I am glad to hear that everything is going well back home. I hope that Analia passes all her exams. I do not believe that I can call Grandpa because the announcement says only immediate family members.Tell Grandpa my best wishes. I love you all. Until next time...

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