Monday, February 11, 2019

Snow and Ice (Week #7)

A lot of things happened this week that I never really saw coming. My trainer is a zone leader, so he has a lot of responsibilities, many of which I don't fully understand yet. One that I do understand though is that he had to conduct zone conference which was last week on Wednesday. We left early in the morning to drive the one hour trip to the Stake Center in Sringfield. It had snowed the night before, so there was snow and ice on the roads. The roads are very curvy because the terrain is very hilly. Especially on z highway, which was a backroad we took. On the way, we came to a very sharp turn, and my trainer could not make the turn. We plowed straight into a road sign and landed at least 30 or so feet off the road. My trainer said that it was the scariest experience he ever had. We were unscathed and ninety percent of the truck was intact. I am thankful that the Lord protected us from harm. 

The right side of the truck on its front was badly mangled. The right fender, the right headlight, and parts of the bumper were destroyed. The front axle also got bent out of alignment, and so the truck wobbles when it drives. Luckily though, the truck is not beyond repair. I kind local helped us drive it off. He said that the truck was drivable. As a result, we made it to Zone Conference.

Right now, my trainer and I have been marooned in Springfield for a few days. We leave tomorrow morning. 

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