Monday, January 21, 2019

MTC pictures (week #3)

I am leaving to Arkansas tomorrow. Today, I am doing laundry and packing. I haven't mentioned it yet in my other emails, but it has snowed a lot last week, and there is snow everywhere that has not yet melted. For the frst and second or so week while being here, it snowed almost every day and possibly every night. Some of the flakes were huge. My favorite snow day, I think, was on either the third or second Sunday. All the missionaries went to attend mission conference (stake conference for missionaries) in the gymnasium. On the way out, we were returning to our class rooms and there was a long line of branch presidents and their wives along with hundreds of missionaries walking towards T4, one of the main buildings. Many of them had pitch black umbrellas up against the snowflakes which were falling very rapidly. Everyone was kind of a blur with all the snow falling. It looked pretty fantastic. 

There are two new mission training buildings, and they are very modern architecturally speaking, and they are great places to learn and study. The rooms inside let in lots of light and there are ponder spaces located all over the buildings. Some of the ponder spaces have music boxes that play soothing rearranged instrumental hymns for you to listen to while you study. There are six floors in each building. There are also giant murals on the walls. The murals are snapshots taken from church films. I suspect some of them come from the new Book of Mormon movies coming out.

In T3 though, you can only go to floor three.T3 is for workshops and helping people who don't know about the Gospel.

I can't wait to meet the mission president. Here are some pictures:

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